Our Pastor
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
Thankful Missionary Baptist Church hosted an installation celebration for its new pastor, Mack E. Page, Sr., on Sunday, June 25, 2017 @ 11 a.m. The guest speaker was Pastor Craig Scott of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church in Florence, Ala. The guests for the 3 p.m. installation service were Pastor Ternae Jordan and the members of Mount Canaan Baptist Church.
Pastor Page has served as pastor of churches in Uniontown, Selma, Huntsville and Enterprise, Ala., and in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. His educational background includes a bachelor’s in theology from Selma University and a master’s of theology from International Seminary. He also earned his doctorate of theology in pastoral ministry from Andersonville Theological Seminary.
In 2012, Pastor Page was honored to be listed in “Covington’s Who’s Who of Business Professionals.” He has an extensive background in law enforcement and is currently employed with the city of Rogersville, Alabama, as a police officer. He is married to Denise Turner Page and is the father of five children and a grandfather of 11.
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve God and this wonderful church. Since coming to Thankful Missionary Baptist Church over two years ago, it has changed our lives in ways we never could have imagined. That is our hope for every person who connects with our church–whether in person or online–the love of God and His people would transform that your heart, and that it would improve your life as you learn to apply His Word.
We encourage you to take advantage of all that TMBC offers, from the bible-based teachings and dynamic events, to the opportunities to use your gifts and talents to serve God and others.
We are always amazed by the endless testimonies of breakthroughs, healing, and restoration that we hear from people connected to this ministry. We pray that in your experiences with God and this church, one day your story will become one of them.
Months and counting
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